Below is a list of projects and activities where Potomac Valley Master Naturalists will be this spring! You should plan to make sure you are involved in one or more of them! Remember the whole point of being a Master Naturalist is GIVING BACK to the community through volunteer time.
Volunteer Opportunities-2011
PVAS Sponsored Events
Saturday April 2, PVAS is hosting an Open House at the NEW Flowing Springs Park in Ranson (near Home Depot). Many different activities are planned and we need volunteers to help with all of them! Activities include helping with tree plantings, leading bird/nature walks, stream sampling demonstrations, and possible invasive removal. There will also be a PVAS/PVMN contact table which will need volunteers to greet visitors, help providing refreshments, and talking about both organizations. Gloves, tools and refreshments will be provided to volunteers (and a t-shirt to thank you for all your hard work!) Hours are 11:00-4:00 p.m. and you can volunteer for all or part of that time. Contact Kristin Alexander to help: 304-274-0509.
Saturday, April 16, PVAS will be hosting a Wildflower Festival at the Yankauer Preserve
in northeast Berkeley County. We'll need some folks to help with children's activities, lead
walks, and lend a helping hand as required. Training in wildflowers is available before the big
day. The walks will be held on the hour from 11-3. Contact Kristin Alexander for more
information: 304-274-0509.
Sunday April 17, PVAS’s Annual Egg Hunt, 2-4 p.m. Help is needed in:
• putting out the eggs about 12:30 p.m.
• assisting with some of the activities (egg games, reading books, playing games, etc)
• baking cookies! We need several people to make 3 dozen cookies (your choice) and
drop them off at Yankauer Sunday morning. (The kids will be trading in their eggs for cookies and lemonade and there are lots of parents to feed.) Contact Ellen Murphy at 304-676-8739.
Saturday May 7, PVAS is participating in the Boonsboro GreenFest which is one of the best Earth Festivals in this area! Everything from solar energy systems to composting to fair trade products to heirloom tomato plants to special children's activities to recycling opportunities to clothing and children's book swaps will be featured throughout the park. We need volunteers to help with our contact booth. Time is 10:00-5:00 p.m. Contact Kristin Alexander to volunteer: 304-274-0509.