September 06, 2012
Volunteer Projects
Are you in need of volunteer hours? PVAS is partnering with the Potomac Conservancy to hold a Growing Native seed-collection event at the Society's Yankauker Nature Preserve in Berkeley County on Saturday, September 22, from 10-12 noon. It's rain or shine and is a very family friendly event! Seed collection bags will be available and WV State Forester Herb Peddicord will be there to help with viable seed identification. (Not every nut or seed is suitable.) The Potomac Conservancy collects seeds of native hardwoods and shrubs and delivers them to state nurseries where they are nurtured into small seedlings. The seedlings are then planted along rivers and streams in the Potomac watershed to help restore forests and filter pollution and run-off.
The Jefferson County 6th Grade Science Olympiad is scheduled for September 24, 25, 26 and October 3, 4, and 5 at For Love Of Children (FLOC) Outdoor Education Center. This is a chance for every 6th grade student in Jefferson County to spend a day outside, learning about natural topics. They are seeking volunteers who would present a 30 minute program to small groups of students on natural history topics. Tree ID walks, Bird programs, anything nature is a great way to share what you have learned as a Master Naturalist! Groups are well chaperoned. Each day has 4 groups of students who rotate among the many topics and activities offered. You lead a different group each time, have lunch, and are done by 1 p.m. If you would be willing to help, contact Judith Cain at
The Berkeley Springs Fall Birding Festival is scheduled for Friday September 28 through Sunday September 30. The festival always needs volunteers to help as meeting hosts, manning booths, selling tickets, leading birding hikes, providing directions, and more! If you could help for even a few hours, contact Master Naturalist Helen Herlocker at